Liquid Plastic Softener
Liquid Plastic Softener
Add this product to your liquid plastic to make more flexible lures.
Start with adding 5-10 % to cold plastic and stirr well.
Both the normal and XDR softener can be mixed into all types of liquid plastic.
If you want to soften our XDR liquid plastic, the XDR softener is a good choice if you want to maintain the optimum durability of this formula.
Indictations how to change formulations, based on weight :
Strong --> Medium - add 2.5% softener
Strong --> Soft - add 17.5% softener
Strong --> extra Soft - add 44% softener
Medium -> Soft - add 14.5% softener
Medium -> Extra Soft - add 40.5% softener
Medium --> Strong - add 1.5% hardener
Soft --> Extra soft - add 23% softener
Soft --> medium - add 7% hardener
Soft --> strong - add 8.5% hardener
Extra soft --> soft - add 8% hardener
Extra soft --> medium - add 14.5% hardener
Extra soft --> strong - add 16% hardener